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BoardXpert take your business to news heights by offering profitability & growth strategies for software and translation companies. In our blog we share insights and offer useful information for your business.
Why I really like the fundamental change the language service industry is facing: it’s challenge and fun
It’s not like eating a pear – but still it’s kind of fun to me.
LSPs: player in a dying industry?
“Diversify or die”, “the business model of language service providers (LSPs) is outdated”, “you cannot make any more money with translation”. I could not disagree more.
AI – 4 steps how to use the chance and duty to transform.
“The speed of innovation is overwhelming – I’m tired about fighting, I think I give up and close my business (or sell it to any possible price).” Bad decision.
Was macht einen guten Beirat aus?
Worauf Sie bei der Auswahl Ihres Beirats NICHT achten sollten: fachliche Kompetenz und persönliche Vertrautheit mit der Unternehmerfamilie. Achten Sie stattdessen auf vier einfache Punkte!
Das Goldene Handbuch – Erfolgreiches Unternehmen mit den richtigen Kennzahlen
„(Viele) Kennzahlen helfen.“ Was für ein Quatsch! Kennzahlen alleine bringen überhaupt nichts. Gut geführte Unternehmen wissen: Das Erfolgsgeheimnis liegt in der richtigen Zusammensetzung der Kennzahlen, dem jeweiligen Bezugspunkt, dem richtigen Schwellwert sowie dem daraus abgeleiteten konsequenten Handeln.
Post Merger Integration Manager – TOP 8 responsibilities
From the author with experience from six M&A transactions (selling as well as acquiring companies), here is something to think about for both: sellers and buyers. Post merger integration is a success critical factor for all M&A deals. And a good post merger integration should be led by a responsible Integration Manager.
All Platforms share the same principles
Startup or not: to create a platform is quite simple, but not super-easy! Whether you’re a Startup or part of an existing, well established company and want to create a platform business? Here is your good news: All platforms are based on the same principles.